martedì 18 novembre 2014

T 90 from Zvezda - Part 2

Inner reinforce for fuel cells

lengthtened lower hull

Modifyng the spade

Added milliput weld seams on the spade

Corrected and detailed fuel cells

New zip boxes

Exaust detailed with plasticard and Voyager PE

domenica 16 novembre 2014

T 90 From Zvezda - Part one

When I opened the box, I was struck by the amount of pieces and the richness of detail. A month later I found out that not all that glitters is gold ...
The kit contains fact many dimensional errors, the hull is too high, the engine too narrow bridge, the tower has many details wrong etc etc. Thus began a wild challenge.

For this project I used:

Voyager PE

barrel from Horange Hobby

And a lot of plasticard :-)

First, we must correct hull height.

 Added weald seams

C yaa :-)

martedì 2 settembre 2014

Horten's Wonder Part VII - Finished ^___^

Hi all, 

here you can see the final result of this journey. On my Horten I decided to depict an active duty jet (fictional), in classic final war scheme of: RLM 81 + RLM 82 on upper surfaces and RLM 76 on under surfaces, all colors came from Gunze Sangyo brand, imho the best aircraft colors on the market.

Also I decided to depict two X4 Rurhstall missile under the wings.

Enjoy the pics now, hope you like it :-)

