lunedì 10 marzo 2014

Horten Ho IX - Part IV

Here are the final touches in the cockpit and in the internal structure. 

By consulting the documentation is clear the presence of the heat shields around the engines, served to protect the central cell of wood. To build the shield on the left engine (it will be visible in the finished model), I used plasticard 0.10 mm. 

you can also see the dash completed in its sandwich structure, with detailed wiring of the instruments. 

let's see some images.

Here we can see the two engines cated with Alclad 2 Black, as a base for metallic colors

Pilot Seat

Ready for first assembly of fuselage

Here we have a scheme of the heat shield (green colored area)

Here we can see the heat shield around tle left hand engine

Thats all...

...Cya :-)

domenica 2 marzo 2014

Horten Ho IX part III - Interior Painting started

After several days I have been busy (work, family ...). Here are the latest updates on the model. 

I finished adding the final details indoors, using a gallery on the Prime portal site (, 
and a gallery from the Blog Zoukei Mura.

here are two pics depicting the hydraulic jack for retracting/extend forward gear leg

Here we can se the leverages protruding under the cockpit

 Here we can se the hydraulick jack for opening/closing forward gear bay

here two images of Zoukei Mura's next kit, the Horten Ho IX in 1/32
I used as documentation for detailing my kit